Accounting services - ADEF

ADEF accountancy has been on the market since 2010. We provide services for customers from western Poland, mainly in Lubuskie and Wielkopolskie Provinces. Our office is located in Gorzów Wielkopolski.

Accounting services

We provide comprehensive accounting services including bookkeeping, HR and payroll, representing the customer before the Tax Office, Social Security Fund (ZUS) and other authorities and institutions to businesses, manufacturing companies and NGOs. We pick up and deliver all documents directly from the customer, also in locations other than Gorzów Wielkopolski. At the customers request, we prepare individual reports and summaries. We speak Polish, English and German.


We also deliver training in health promotion on the customers premises and offer consultations on diagnosing the needs and opportunities for improving the health potential of employees at all levels.


We are authorised to provide accounting and book keeping services by force of a certificate issued by the Ministry of Finance no. 41068/2010. Our services are insured under an insurance policy of PZU SA.

Accounting services:

  • keeping books of accounts
  • keeping the revenues and expense ledger for tax purposes
  • keeping the sales register for flat-rate income tax purposes
  • keeping the tax card
  • keeping VAT register
  • keeping the register of fixed tangible and intangible assets
  • keeping the register of equipment
  • preparing financial statements, including the balance sheet, profit and loss account and the cash flow statement
  • representing the customer in tax offices
  • development of a chart of accounts adapted to the customers needs
  • supervising settlements with suppliers and counterparties
  • issuing sales invoices on behalf of the customers
  • preparing reports for the statistical office (GUS) and the disabled fund (PFRON)
  • conducting inventory takes at the customers request

HR and payroll services:

  • keeping personnel files
  • preparing employment-related documents, changes of employment terms and other documents required by force of the Labour Code
  • preparing monthly payrolls
  • settlement of civil law agreements
  • preparing social security returns (ZUS) and tax returns
  • representing the customer before Social Security Fund (ZUS)

Other services:

  • preparing INTRASTAT declarations
  • providing support for start-up companies
  • reviewing amounts receivable and payable
  • executing payments in the customers banking system
  • preparing reports and summaries at the customers request, also in the English and German languages
  • providing work safety (BHP) training
  • providing training in health promotion and workplace ergonomics.

Below find our standard rates for selected services. Detailed pricing depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • type of accounting,
  • the legal form of the conducted business,
  • number of employees, and
  • number of documents.

Please get in touch with us to receive a specific individual price offer.

Our exemplary rate card:

Revenues and expenditures ledger:

  • from 1 to 30 accounting records - PLN 300
  • from 31 to 70 accounting records - PLN 650
  • from 71 to 100 accounting records - PLN 1000
  • above 100 accounting records - ask for an offer

Books of accounts:

  • from 1 to 30 accounting records - PLN 1000
  • from 31 to 70 accounting records - PLN 1400
  • from 71 to 130 accounting records - PLN 1700
  • from 131 to 200 accounting records - PLN 2000
  • from 201 to 250 accounting records - PLN 2400
  • from 251 to 300 accounting records - PLN 2900
  • above 300 accounting records - ask for an offer

HR and payroll services

  • payroll - from PLN 40 per one employee
  • HR records - from PLN 30 per one employee
  • task and assignment contracts - PLN 50

Value Added Tax is charged on top of all the rates specified above. The rate card does not constitute a business offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.

ADEF sp. z o.o.

ul. Fabryczna 51/1A
66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski
phone: 95 307 00 87
mobile: 601 358 779

Sending messages via web form temporarily canceled. If you have any question, please call us or use our direct e-mail address.


